saturday was strange. we got up really early to go climb with corey at loHo, so we were burnt out and back at the house by two in the afternoon. then we went to work for a little while, follwed by a trip to missoula, where after getting lots of necessary things done we met up with jesse (the mullet), ben and shaun for some whiskey and beer. after that we drove home and were back in time for lindsay to go on her girls night out. we got so much shit done, it was incredible. makes me wonder what would happen if we always did that... sunday i met up with corey , steph and two of their friends to develop a new bouldering area at the sweathouse creek near victor. we had a blast! soo much fun putting up new stuff and just finding the lines that appeal to you. I FAd a very nice short problem i called bare-naked ladies (climb it and you'll understand...). it is just a couple of moves, however on the FA three handholds broke. one hit me in the face right below the eye. then the 10inch topout-hold blew. now it looks a little different, some of the holds got worse, still very fun!!! i will post some photos soon!