Sunday, December 21, 2008


we made it out saturday to do some backcountry boarding. we were up at lost trail, chair 4 was the goal. of course we did not know it took more than half an hour just to get there. the temps were crisp, around the zero fahrenheit mark. with the dogs and a good 4 feet of unpacked powder which was pure sinker we had to turn around about half way up. the downhill was fun but short, yukon stayed with us even without a leash!!! whoohooooo!!! then of course the hike back, man that sucked. but it was a good 3.5h in the snow, so it was great! and for the theory that after a streneous day in the cold you can drink as much as you want without getting drunk because your body burns all the calories it can and utilizes the alkohol: no, not right!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you try to hike up straight uphill from the parking lot? I find it much easier and faster to go up oreo then you end up on the ridge to the top of chair 4.
next time, go with a skier to break the trail... how about this week end?