1, go buy the album "third" by portishead.
2, if you are sick, stay at home and recover.
3, huskies are cuter than pugs
climbing was great yesterday. lindsay and me went to loHo after work and met these young kids, the metal kind with long hair, trashed car, bandanas and metallica shirts. we had a blast, such a positive climbing spirit they had. no competition, just having fun playing around, no ego, everyone helping each other out and pushing each other in a very positive way. travis and me sent a couple of V5 and V6, lindsay got super close to two new V6s and then lindsay, travis and me started projecting a V8. he actually got it, it was great. the tip of my right my index finger split down way beneath the skin on the 2nd move crimp. now I have a new project at loHo!!! V8 baby, I hope it goes soon! I will talk about it if it does, no worries...